Summit in Berlin: George W. Bush meets Schröder

On May 22/23 2002 the American president George W. Bush comes to Berlin. A good reason for massive protests. Let us use varied and diverse forms of resistance to make his visit a fiasco! The word fiasco comes from the French and Italian vocabulary. Originally it means the flop of a theatre play. In general German usage it means failure.

And exactly that's how Bush's visit ought to be: a failure, a flop, ridiculous - and an obvious sign of our protest against war and neo-liberal globalisation.

This internet site addresses all left wings, who want to articulate their protest against the policy of the USA and their allies. It is meant as a platform for different kinds of protest - use it. This site lives on your participation and decentralised support - so do, what you can and want to.

By now already many demonstrations and activities have been announced around the summit in Berlin and throughout Germany - and each day the number grows. tries to cover fully the spectrum of protests. More at News, Termine and Texte.

You can find the pages of the alliance "Axis of Peace" that organises part of the events and demonstrations at :

The pages of the alliance "Cowboys for Peace" are here.

Under Download you can find flyers and posters of various groups ready to print, as well as Banners(?) and photos for websites and e-mail mobilisation. It's important that many are mobilised now. So, download, print, and spread. See also Texte.

Under Logistik lifts are offered and there are also infos about places to stay in Berlin, maps, infos about Convergence Center and Indymedia Center etc.
Important: Organise yourselves places to sleep, there have been many inquiries already! If you have places to offer: or

For actions, donations to, demonstrations, texts, ideas, suggestions, links, flyers, posters (pdf), stays to offer and dates:

Mail to

At the moment only this page is in english. Sorry!

Manifestations in Berlin
more Infos: seeTermine
16 Uhr, Neue Wache Großdemonstration der Friedensbewegung am Tag vor dem Bush-Besuch.
ab 15 Uhr: Proteste zwischen Bebelplatz und Berliner Dom

mittags: Reclaim the Streets

18 Uhr: Bushtrommeln mit anschl. Demonstration vom Berliner Dom zum Berliner Dom

außerdem: Direct Action Day

16 Uhr: Volkspark am Weinbergsweg, Demo: Kuhtreiber statt Kriegstreiber - Der große Treck für den Frieden. Das Bündnis "Cowboys für den Frieden" ruft zu lauten, bunten und kreativen Wildwest-Protesten auf.